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La Biblioteca Pública de Chicago (Chicago Public Library) dispone de una amplia variedad de recursos para aprender más acerca de las aves migratorias de Chicago. La Biblioteca ha compilado un recurso de página web que contiene una variedad de libros disponibles en la misma, así como interesantes sitios web.
- Elphick, Jonathan. The Atlas of Bird Migration: Tracing the Great Journeys of the World's Birds. New York: Random House, 1995. 180pp. QL698.9.A88 1995.
- Burton, Robert. Bird Migration: An Illustrated Account. New York: Facts on File, 1992. 160 pp. QL698.9.B87 1992.
- Bykhovskii, B. E. Bird Migrations: Ecological and Physiological Factors. New York: Wiley, 1974. 298 pp. QL698.9.E3713.
- Matthews, G. V. T. Bird Navigation. Second edition. London: Cambridge University Press, 1968. 197 pp. 598.2M432b.
- Bartlett, Des and Jen Bartlett. The Flight of the Snow Geese. New York: Stein & Day, 1975. 189 pp. QL696.A52B37 1975.
- Lockley, R. M. Flight of the Storm Petrel. London: David & Charles, 1983. 192pp. QL696.P64L63 1983.
- Able, Kenneth P. Gatherings of Angels: Migrating Birds and Their Ecology. Ithaca, New York: Comstock Books, 1999. 193 pp. QL698.9.G38 1999.
- Arnold, Caroline. Hawk Highway in the Sky. San Diego: Harcourt Brace, 1997. 48pp. QL696.F32A76 1997.
- Weidensaul, Scott. Living on the Wind: Across the Hemisphere With Migratory Birds. New York: North Point Press, 1999. 420 pp. QL698.9.W45 1999.
- Lincoln, Frederick Charles. The Migration of American Birds. New York: Doubleday, 1939. 189 pp. 598.2L638.
- Lincoln, Frederick Charles. Migration of Birds. New York: Doubleday, 1952. 102 pp. QL698.L74.
- Dorst, Jean. Migrations of Birds. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1962. 476 pp. 598.2D739m.
- Heintzelman, Donald S. The Migrations of Hawks. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986. 369 pp. QL696.F3H44 1986.
- Griscom, Ludlow. Modern Bird Study. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1945. 190 pp. 598.2G887.
- Batt, Bruce. Snow Geese: Grandeur and Calamity on an Arctic Landscape. Memphis, Tennessee: Ducks Unlimited, 1998. 82 pp. QL696.A52B38 1998.
- Boulton, Rudyerd. Traveling With the Birds: A Book on Bird Migration. Chicago: M. A. Donohue, 1960. 64 pp. QL676.B78.
- Hochbaum, H. Albert. Travels and Traditions of Waterfowl. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1955. 301 pp. 598.2H656.
- Jaffe, Mark. And No Birds Sing: The Story of an Ecological Disaster in a Tropical Paradise. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993. 283 pp. QL694.G8J34 1993.
- Beacham, Walton et al. Beacham's Guide to the Endangered Species of North America. 6 volúmenes. Volumen I: Mamíferos, Aves, Reptiles. Detroit: Gale Group, 2001. pp. 247-532. QH77.N56B43 2001.
- Ehrlich, Paul R. et al. Birds in Jeopardy: The Imperiled and Extinct Birds of the United States and Canada Including Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1992. 259 pp. QL676.55.E38 1992.
- Matthiessen, Peter. The Birds of Heaven: Travels With Cranes. New York: North Point Press, 2001. 349 pp. QL696.G84M372 2001.
- Snyder, Noel F. R. y Helen A. Snyder. Birds of Prey: Natural History and Conservation of North American Raptors. Stillwater, Minnesota: Voyageur Press, 1991. 224 pp. QL696.F3S678 1991.
- Collar, N. J. et al. Birds to Watch 2: The World List of Threatened Birds. Cambridge: BirdLife International, 1994. 407 pp. QL676.7.C652 1994.
- Greenberg, Russell y Jamie Reaser. Bring Back the Birds: What You Can Do to Save Threatened Species. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania: Stackpole Books, 1995. 312 pp. QL676.5.G66 1995.
- Snyder, Noel F. R. y Helen A. Snyder. The California Condor: A Saga of Nautral History and Conservation. San Diego, California: Academic Press, 2000. 410 pp. QL696.F33S69 2000.
- Dobkin, David S. Conservation and Management of Neotropical Migrant Landbirds in the northern Rockies and Great Plains. Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho Press, 1994. 220 pp. QL683.R63D63 1994.
- Johnsgard, Paul A. Ducks in the Wild: Conserving Waterfowl and Their Habitats. New York: Prentice Hall, 1993. 160 pp. QL696.A52J625 1993.
- Beans, Bruce E. Eagle's Plume: The Struggle to Preserve the Life and Haunts of America's Bald Eagle. New York:Scribner, 1996. 318 pp. QL696.F32B42 1996.
- Reading, Richard P. y Brian Miller. Endangered Animals: A Reference Guide to Conflicting Issues. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2 000. 383 pp. QL82.E55. (Contiene información sobre especies en peligro de extinción.)
- Centro de Monitoreo de Conservación de la IUCN. IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. Gland, Suiza: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 1996. 368 pp. QL81.5.I93 1996. (Incluye una sección sobre especies con amenaza de extinción.)
- Carson, Rachel. Lost Woods: The Discovered Writing of Rachel Carson. Boston: Beacon Press, 1998. 267 pp. QH81.C3546 1998.
- Burt, William. Rare and Elusive Birds of North America. New York: Universe Publishing, 2001. 208 pp. QL696.P2B87 2001.
- Askins, Robert. Restoring North America's Birds: Lessons From Landscape Ecology. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1999. 320 pp. QL676.57.N7A75 1999.
- Schreiber, Rudolf L. et al. Save the Birds. Boston: Mifflin, 1989. 384 pp. QL676.5.S26. 1989.
- Maynard, Thane. Saving Endangered Birds: Ensuring a Future in the Wild. New York: F. Watts, 1993. 57 pp. QL676.7.M38 1993.
- Carson, Rachel. Silent Spring. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1968. 368 pp. SB959.C3 (Número para solicitar reimpresiones: QH545.P4C38).
- Blake, Tupper Ansel. Tracks in the Sky: Wildlife and Wetlands of the Pacific Flyway. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1987. 166 pp. QL155.B55 1987.
- Halliday, Tim. Vanishing Birds: Their Natural History and Conservation. New York: Holt, 1978. 296 pp. QL676.7.H34.
- Weller, Milton Webster. Wetland Birds: Habitat, Resources and Conservation Implications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. 271 pp. QL698.95.W45.
- Farwell, Ellen Drummon. Bird Observations Near Chicago. Chicago: Impresión Privada, 1919. 192 pp. QL684.I3F3.
- Kendeigh, S. Charles. Populations in East Central Illinois: Fluctuations, Variations, and Development Over a Half-Century. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 1982. 136 pp. QL684.I3K46 1982.
- Carpenter, Lynne y Joel Greenberg. A Bird Guide to the Chicago Region. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1999. 242 pp. QL684.I3C37 1999.
- Fisher, Chris C. y David B. Johnson. Birds of Chicago Including NE Illinois and NW Indiana. Renton, Washington: Lone Pine, 1998. 160 pp. QL684.I3F57 1998.
- Bohlen, H. David. The Birds of Illinois. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1989. 221 pp. QL684.I3B64 1989.
- Woodruff, Frank Morley. The Birds of the Chicago Area. Bulletin Number 6 of the Natural History Survey. Chicago: Chicago Academy of Sciences, 1907. 221 pp. QL684.W86.
- Ford, Edward Russell. Birds of the Chicago Region. Special Publication Volume Number 12. Revised Edition. Chicago: Chicago Academy of Sciences, 1956. 117 pp. QL684.I3F6.
- Mlodinow, Steven. Chicago Area Birds. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 1984. 220pp. QL684.I3M56 1984.
- Devore, Sheryl. Birding Illinois. Helena, Montana: Falcon, 2000. 356 pp. QL684.I3D48 2000.
- Powers, Tom. Great Birding in the Great Lakes: A Guide to the 50 Best Birdwatching Sites in the Great Lakes States. Flint, Michigan: Walloon Press, 1998. 183 pp. QL683.G66P69 1998.
- Walter, Herbert Eugene y Alice Hall Walter. Wild Birds in City Parks; Being Hints on Identifying 203 Birds, Prepared Primarily for the Spring Migration in Lincoln Park, Chicago, but Adapted to Other Localities in Northeastern United States and Canada. 12th Revised Edition. New York: Macmillan, 1926. 111 pp.QL684.I3W3 1926.
- Illinois. Museo del Estado de Illinois. Birds In Your Backyard: Typical Native Birds In Their Habitats por Virginia S. Eifert con revisiones de Milton D. Thompson. Second Edition. Springfield, 1986. 224 pp. ILL Mu 1.17: 2/986; QL684.I3E5.
- Illinois. Departamento de Energía y Recursos Naturales, División de Investigación en Historia Natural. Illinois Birds: Corvidae por Jean W. Graber et al. Champaign, 1987. 42 pp. ILL NH 1.11: 126.
- Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey. Illinois Birds: Vireas por Jean W. Graber et al. Champaign, 1985. 38 pp. ILL NH1.11: 124.
- Illinois. Departamento de Registro y Educación, División de Investigación en Historia Natural. Illinois Birds: Wood Warblers por Jean W. Graber et al. Urbana, 1983. 144 pp. ILL NH 1.11: 118.
- Illinois. Departamento de Conservación para la Investigación de Historia Natural de Illinois. The Mourning Dove in Illinois por Carsten Hanson. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 133 pp. SK325.M67H35.
- Illinois. Instituto de Recursos Naturales de Illinois, División de Investigación en Historia Natural. Waterfowl Populations and the Changing Environment of the Illinois River Valley por Frank C. Bellrose et al. Urbana, 1979. 54 pp. ILL NH 1.3: 32/1.
- Illinois Audubon. Quarterly. Wayne, Illinois: Illinois Audubon Society.
- Meadowlark: A Journal of Illinois Birds. Quarterly. Evanston, Illinois: Illinois Ornithological Society.