This section outlines the capitalization rules for common bird names.
While one can almost always find an exception, you will be well served by adhering to the following simple rules for capitalizing bird names:
- Capitalize the first letter of the first, middle, and last names of a bird (e.g., Cedar Waxwing, American White Pelican).
- If the bird's first or middle name is a compound name (separated by a hyphen), only capitalize the first letter of the name before the hyphen, while using lowercase for the first letter of the name that follows the hyphen (e.g., Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Whip-poor-will).
- For most birds with a hyphenated last name, capitalize the first letter of both parts of the compound name (e.g., Black-crowned Night-Heron).
- When using partial or shortened names for familiar species, use lowercase letters (e.g., robin, hawk).
- When referring to families or groups of birds, use lowercase (e.g., there are a dozen falcons on the fire escape)