If you recall from science class, taxonomy, or the scientific naming convention, follows the following format: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species. Typically, the scientific name of an organism is presented as the Genus and Species, such as Homo Sapiens for human beings. All birds fall within the Animalia kingdom, Chordata phylum, and Aves class. The Bird Gallery identifies all 24 birds by their scientific and common names, including family, genus, and species.
The American Ornithologists' Union ("AOU") publishes The AOU Check-list of North American Birds, the authoritative publication that provides scientific and common names, taxonomic status, and geographic ranges of all known species of birds in North America, Central America, Hawaii, and the West Indies. The checklist contains the scientific and common names of 2,023 bird species. Founded in 1883, the AOU is the oldest and largest organization devoted to the scientific study of birds whose main activity is the publication of scientific information about birds.